Perine Simon-Davelaar

I have a masters in Economics from the University of Amsterdam and in Psychology from Roosevelt University in Chicago. I’m a certified creative career coach with the Academy of Integral Human Sciences and also a certified co-active coach (CPCC) at the Coaching Training Institute (CTI) and associate coach at the International Coaching Federation (ICF). As a DISC and 12 Driving Forces consultant I’m also certified to take these assessments. I have been coaching individuals in corporations as wel as private clients on a variety of coaching issues since 2008. Furthermore as an associate coach at Coaching Nederland I’ve also been part of diverse coaching projects. Together with my husband and our three daughters, I live in The Hague.
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”
– Albert Einstein
My passion is to work on a life of awareness. We are living in interesting times where there is a constant outward distraction. We are continuously presented with endless possibilities. Yet, the path of creativity runs from our inner to the outer world. The small fertilised egg is slowly preparing for its way out, choosing the right moment to embark on adventure. Are we still listening to the voice from this invisible, mysterious inner world that wants to speak out now and then?

To me, as a life and leadership coach, this endless inner world is my guide line. The one thing I want to focus on. I make use of conventional coaching techniques, but I also apply creative methods, such as meditations, visualisations, working with symbolism including astrology. I get inspired by people like Oprah Winfrey, Brené Brown, Gregg Bradon and Robin Sharma, each in their own way sending a message of authenticity and natural self-leadership. Also people like Eckhart Tolle and the Daila Lama made beautiful spiritual messages accessible to the public.
My personal goal is to connect all these wisdoms and to use these in both my own life and my lifestyle coaching in a way that works best for me and my clients – each in their own way.
My personal motto and life lesson is:
“Experience the ultimate source of love by living in the here and now”
– Perine Simon-Davelaar