Lifestyle Coaching

Your lifestyle coaching starts with a one-to-one consultation with me. During this first (intake) meeting, we will analyse what aspects of your life need special attention. Sometimes it takes more than one session. Based on the results of this meeting, I will draw up a bespoke lifestyle coaching plan that help tackle one or more aspects of your life. Only after your approval, I will consult the appropriate professionals. All of these independent professionals are part of my network. It is our aim that, at the end of the coaching process, you are more aware of the various aspects of your life that are of importance to pursue a healthier lifestyle.
“Keep looking up, that’s the secret of life”
– Snoopy
Who are the professionals I work with?
- Personal trainers
- Nutritionists
- Relationship therapists
- Psychotherapists
- Energy workers
- Homeopaths
- Style therapists
- Interior architects
- Yoga teachers
For whom?
Everybody wanting to increase self-awareness in his or her life and wishing to take control of his or her wellbeing and needing some support in doing so.

“This moment is all there is”
– Rumi

Some examples of lifestyle issues are:
- Career issues such as:
“I’m not happy in my job, what to do?” - Life purpose issues:
“How do I give meaning to the daily grind?” - Personal leadership:
“How do I get my life back on track?” - Work-life balance:
“How do I combine my role as mother and as a professional?” - Nutrition issues:
“How do I reach the weight that suits me best?” - Get started with exercising:
“I know it’s good for me, but I can’t seem to bring myself to start exercising, what is the reason?” - Parenting issues:
“How can I best communicate with my child when (s)he is having difficulties”? - Personal style advice from a wellbeing perspective (see my blog)
“How do I organise my surroundings in such a way that I find more ‘peace’”?
Lifestyle coaching is not only about the issues mentioned above. Feel free to contact me about the possibilities for you personally.